Wednesday, February 4, 2009

BANUA called Komdis

Manager John R Persiwa Wamena BANUA back problems. BANUA alleged molest one of the official Persipura Jayapura. Discipline Commission (Komdis) PSSI called to listen to information about the incident.

"Committee of the match, the match of (PP), oficial team, and manager John Persiwa BANUA will call us," said Chairman Komdis PSSI Hinca Pandjaitan to reporters in Jakarta.

Hinca said, BANUA action is performed when the commotion going on Stadium Education, Wamena, Papua derby after the match between Persiwa and Persipura Jayapura, Sunday (1/2) ago. The players and the official can not receive Persipura action suporter host merangsek to the field. Conflicts also occur even though the security apparatus tried to compose incident.

Hinca add, Komdis PP still investigating the reports concerning the incident indeed. "That's why we call the parties concerned in order to get the actual results of the investigation," said Hinca.

This is not for the first time in trouble with the BANUA Komdis. Years ago, when still the assistant manager, called Komdis BANUA been issued because the firearm when the riot occurred opposite host Arema Malang in Brawijaya Stadium. BANUA even had time to shoot the pistol into the air with the reason you want to protect his team from amukan Aremania.


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