Friday, February 6, 2009

Materazzi Win More in the case of Zidane

Italy defender Marco Materazzi received a compensation scandal over the daily The Sun been up to the words Zinde Zinade in the World Cup final in 2006. Not mentioned the amount of money given to The Sun Matrix.

The Daily Sun had to write articles that create back Inter Milan feel wronged. Matrix feel "yellow newspapers" in the UK that have been spreading slander by saying the Matrix was hurl words rasis against Zidane.

From a series of articles, the sentence that says Matrix miscall Zidane as "child prostitutes terrorist" is considered very harmful for the 35 years. The Sun installing words that are understandable in the front page.

Up telling that, Materazzi then submit the claim on the coverage to higher courts. The Sun finally recognizes the error to the Matrix in May 2008. Newspapers are also requesting a settlement out of court for a peaceful way through.

Just as The Sun, Daily Star and Daily Mail Daily also previously required to pay the compensation and apology to the public before the public.


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